The PE department expect all students to bring their PE kit to every lesson. This ensures students are dressed appropriately to engage fully in all lessons and get the most out of their PE experience. 

The PE kit has been designed to be practical, comfortable, appropriate to the activities taught and affordable for all. 

We also expect students to wear full PE kit for extra-curricular activities. 

If students are unable to take part in the lesson they must bring a signed note in their planner from parents/carers and bring their PE kit to change into along with the rest of the class. The note provided must outline the reason to be excused from physical activity and the expected date of return to physical activity. For instances of injury lasting over 2 weeks then a doctor’s/physio note needs to be provided. 

By doing this it ensures that if the weather is poor their uniform will not get wet but also gives students the opportunity to take part in the lesson where their injury allows. Sometimes this will be taking an active role in some part of the lesson, other times this will be taking on alternative roles within the lesson such as leadership, officiating or evaluating peer performance. 

Kit can be purchased via the Sportswear International website (SWI)

McAuley PE Kit  

Embroidered McAuley Logo Navy Blue T-shirt

Embroidered McAuley Logo Navy Blue ¼ Zip Top

Plain Navy Blue Sports Shorts (length must be past your fingers tips when arms by side and standing)


Plain Navy Blue Tracksuit Bottoms


Plain Navy Blue Sports Leggings

Plain Navy Blue Football Socks


White Sports Socks



Football Boots with Studs


Shin pads

*Please note that the embroidered logo t-shirts and ¼ zip top can only be purchased from the SWI website.

  • Please note that students are not allowed to wear jewellery for PE. Piercings must be removed or taped up whilst they are healing. It is student’s responsibility to provide this tape. Failure to remove piercings or tape them up will result in PE kit sanctions.
  • Hair that is of a length that could obscure vision must be tied up at all times. 

Failure to bring PE kit 

Students who fail to bring all or part of their appropriate PE kit will be issued with a sanction. These pupils will be expected to borrow a clean spare kit from the PE department. Refusal to wear this will result in further sanctions.

  • The first time a student fails to bring part/full PE kit they will be given a verbal warning and encouraged to bring full kit next lesson.

  • The second time a student fails to bring part/full PE kit they will be issued with a red card and after school detention will be issued.

  • *Every two kits marks a red card is issued along with an afterschool detention.

  • Once a student reaches four kit marks within an activity block, they will be placed on subject report.

  • Students will start with a clean slate at the start of each activity block.

  • Refusal to borrow clean spare kit – students will be issued a red card and receive an afterschool detention. If this happens twice in an activity block they will be placed on subject report.

We look forward to every student fully engaging in lessons and the extra-curricular opportunities the PE department offer.

 Boys Girls 
Embroidered McAuley Navy Blue T-Shirt Embroidered McAuley Navy Blue T-Shirt
Embroidered McAuley ¼ Zip Top

Embroidered McAuley ¼ Zip Top

Plain Navy Blue Football Shorts Plain Navy Blue Football Shorts
Plain Navy Blue Sports Leggings
Plain Navy Blue Tracksuit Bottoms
Plain Navy Blue Tracksuit Bottoms Plain Navy Blue Football Socks
White Trainer Socks
Plain Navy Blue Football Socks Trainers
Football Boots with studs
White Trainer Socks
Football Boots with studs

Click here to order your PE Kit

The Embroidered McAuley Navy kit is only available from the link above.


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